Hian (Hianuro)

Hian is the weapons expert of the Nestarican crew and is from a...*ahem* rather old-fashioned settlement, where daggers and swords are still in use, and things like vocabulary and cloaks still exist. Hian was raised and trained in weaponry till he could beat every last one of his masters. He was the hero of his village and was sent off to the Academy with waves of good luck and applause. However, the Academy had no use for him, and his skills were wasted on the high-tech program. When he graduated, he went straight to the knick knack box, the Nestarican. He is ashamed of himself and secretly dreads the day when he'll have to face his village. Although desperate to achieve something he can be proud of, he's begrudgingly grown to love the oddball bunch he lives with. Hian's usually the quiet, sarcastic gentleman, being incredibly insightful and old-fashioned. He's also a little too organized for his own good, and the only one who can call Pepper by her real name (Olivia) without the fear of being annihilated. Besides being incredibly skilled in swordplay and martial arts, he knows eight languages, and serves as the ship's translator upon occasion.

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