The navigator, translator, ambassador, peacemaker, general slob, and wisecrack of the Nestarican, Jerev is a fun-loving guy who's been everywhere and absolutely anywhere. It's no wonder he loves maps so much. His parents were traveling salespersons, and he knows more people and languages than he cares to remember. He's got to be the smartest idiot around, and the only one who actually asked to be stationed at the Nestarican (it was the only place he hadn't been). He's the world's most unorganized slob whose thoughts are really more in his stomach than in his head. A contented young fellow, he'll roll with whatever comes next in life. He tends to leave a disaster area wherever he goes, leaving a trail of caramel popcorn, maps, and baseball cards. Despite his messy habits, Jerev is the only one who keeps everyone from getting too depressed, serious, or lost. His secret fear is having Shelty clean his bunk one night while he's asleep.